Elements Cartine Vegetali - King Size Slim

  • The vegetable Elements rolling papers are made with eco-friendly and sustainable materials, designed to offer a clean and free from harmful chemicals.

    They are composed of a thin layer of natural cellulose, which offers an even and slow burn, derived from unbleached hemp fibers and without the addition of chemicals. This means that the vegetable Elements rolling papers they are completely free of chlorine and other toxic substances that could alter the taste or quality of your product.

    Also, the vegetable Elements rolling papers they are equipped with a strip of natural sugar-based glue, which allows you to seal the papers easily and safely. The glue is easily activated with a little moisture and fits snugly, ensuring an effective seal without unwanted burning.

    The vegetable Elements rolling papers they are securely packaged to preserve their quality, designed to minimize environmental impact, using recyclable and biodegradable materials.